Sungwon Kim

Ph.D. student in Graduate School of Data Science at KAIST.


I’m a Ph.D. student in Graduate School of Data Science at KAIST, where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Chanyoung Park.

I’m actively on research with my best colleagues at Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab.

I am primarily focused on data mining and machine learning, with a particular interest in graph data analysis. My research is driven by exploring data-efficient methods that not only leverage the powerful performance of deep learning but also maintain applicability to training and inference time when applied to real-world scenarios.

  • Graph Neural Networks
  • Data-Efficient Deep Learning
  • Meta-Learning
  • Federated Learning
  • Anything related to the tasks that can be addressed in real-world scenarios!


Jul 1,

A paper got accepted at KDD 2024 Workshop on Federated Learning.

May 15,

A paper got accepted at KDD 2024.

May 1,

A paper got accepted at ICML 2024.

Jan 23,

A paper got accepted at WWW 2024.

Sep 21,

Two papers got accepted at NeurIPS 2023.